Monday, March 09, 2009

Top 5 Most Badass Melee Ancient Weapons

Here's a list of my top 5 most badass melee ancient weapons:

At number 5 is the "Morning star". The morning star is a club with spikes embedded to it. Its shaft comes in different lengths. Shorter shafts gives better handling while longer shafts gives better range. There are variations to the morning star for eg. the flail with an extended head tied by a chain and also multiple heads.

Next on the list is the "Tomahawk". The tomahawk is an axe which was used by native americans. It is not very long and is considerably light suitable for a one-handed weapon. It can also act as a ranged weapon by throwing it towards the enemy. In modern days, tomahawk-throwing was made a sport. It comes in variety of solid metal such as iron and brass.

3rd on the list is the "Katar". It's an ancient weapon used by Rajputs (a kind of Indian warrior). One uses the katar by literally doing punching movements. Its short length allows the wielder to move easily whether on defense or offense. It also comes in multiple blades and is able to catch swords in between the blades.

Yea yea yea, I know. The nunchaku ain't deadly but hey, this is the list of badass weapons. Not deadliest weapon.
"Nunchaku" is the second on my list because is friggin badass. Made famous by ninjas and Bruce Lee, the nunchaku is fast, deceptive and deals painful blows.

And the most badass of em' all!!!! THE KATANA! XD! This is my all-time favourite weapon. It's an ancient japanese sword believed by the Japanese to possess a soul in each katana. It is solid, light and sharp making it the best sword that ever existed. The katana is so sharp that it cuts through body parts easily. These days, katanas are collected as a piece of art and comes in variety of designs. Damn badass katanas ftw!


Anonymous said...

Sweet article. I used to draw weapons all the time when I was a kid.

EuEu said...

Hahaha me too! But they were just some random swords xD