Sunday, June 14, 2009

Royal Pirates

This post is on my latest addiction, the Royal Pirates =D

It's an independent rock band consisting of 2 members (only 2 and they sound so good <3)

They've made covers for songs such as Circus by
Britney Spears , Time is Running Out by Muse, Mirotic by DBSK, Nobody by Wonder Girls, and Sorry Sorry by Super Junior (freaking nice song). Sorry sorry sorry sorry~~ Sorry I got carried away XD

They've also produced songs of their own - Like Butterflies, Crawling Out, and Royal Villain (my favourite of the three)

Here's a video of them performing their original song Crawling Out :

Oh yea, the lead singer looks soooooooooo very much like a boy version of friend of mine!! Myke.. *hints* May Ying... *hint hint*... xP

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