Sunday, February 01, 2009

Bikini Wax OUCH!

Term of the week: Bikini Wax!

What is bikini wax?
No, bikini wax is not waxing your bikini so it looks shiny! It's the removal of your pubic hair =X

Inner thighs, buttocks, and sexual organs =\

By putting hot wax on them and pull them out with cloth! (SM babeh!) It depends on one's preference whether to remove all of the pubic hair or leaving behind shapes like a heart for example.

I can't imagine the pain..

Generally it's for the women. But now, even men do it.

Because it is said to increase your sexual appeal. Women claim to look sexier without pubes while men claim to have larger d**k w/o pubes. LOL. Or just to fit those skimpy-looking bikini wears without having your pubic hair sticking out of em XD!

Will Eu do it?
MAYBE LOL. Don't ask me when, don't ask me why, don't ask me anything. And I'm not gay if that's what you're thinking pfft



Zellent Low said...

Haha, I guess I missed this post! Anyway, if you're planning to do it, go ahead. And no, I don't think you're gay. Lmao.

I secretly do it too. Shit... now it's no longer something I keep to myself... Hahaha!

Do it once, you'll love the results. Trust me!

chocomoonstar said...

it's good for the hygiene too! brazilian bikini and the likes boosts our self-confidence and self-esteem in many ways!